California Supreme Court Hands Whistleblowers Huge Victory

Today, the California Supreme Court handed whistleblower-employees a resounding victory for claims brought under California Labor Code section 1102.5.   California Labor Code section 1102.5 gives employees protection against retaliation for disclosing their suspicions of illegal conduct in the workplace to their employer and/or authorities. And, after today’s decision, Lawson v. PPG Architectural Finishes, Inc., 2022…

Paid Maternity Leave Non-Existent in U.S.

The New York Times reported last week that the United States is one of just six countries without any national paid maternity leave.  And, although Congress is now considering four weeks of paid family and medical leave – a law which would include maternity leave – it is a pathetic amount by any measure. Predictably,…

Employment Arbitration Rigged System of “Justice”

Confirming my long-held belief that arbitration is a totally rigged system of “justice,” the Washington Post reported today that in employment arbitrations during 2020, employees were awarded damages just 1.6 percent of the time.  During this same time period, forced employment arbitrations skyrocketed. Employment arbitration is a confidential and binding process in which companies force…